Category Archives: games


Last night we (Susanna, Ben, and I) played on our, well dad’s, server on Minecraft. We built a lot of cool things.   I made them. Ben tried [..]

minecraft, video games


Yesterday we had a soccer game. I scored a goal. I feel like the goalie under estimated me. He basically gave me a free shot!  After dad pulled [..]



Today I had Tyler over. We played a game where we were stuck in a game. I was killed and became a program as soon as I came [..]

fantsy, friends, games

Pokemon cards

I collect Pokemon cards. My three strongest are Zekrome EX, mewtwo EX , and landerous EX. My favorite card is a plasma collres full card. My favorite Pokemon [..]

fun stuff, games, something cool, things I love, toys

Cool day

On Saturday Shane and Tyler came over. We played all day. We watched Star Wars and had pizza. Dad made up a riddle ” you wake up at [..]

friends, fun stuff, games, jokes, riddles


A while ago I got a game called survival craft. It is like Mine craft but you can change the block texture. I am making a world called [..]

video games

Hungry shark evolution

Yesterday I got hungry shark evolution. It is fun. You eat fish. You avoid jellyfish and bombs. I am not going to tell you any more.

video games


Want to build a city? Get megapolis! You get money from some buildings and more people from others. When you run out of space(with I almost have)get expansions. [..]



This time I will not get distracted because last time I did. Great now I just did. Dragonvale is a game about dragons(no dip). You feed them so [..]

dragonvale, fantsy, video games


Did you know I found a cool stick… Wait a second we were supposed to be talking about Minecraft! So in mind craft me and my brother connected [..]

fantsy, minecraft, video games