Cape Cod

Last week I went to Cape Cod for Grandma’s Summer Camp. We slept in the basement. On the first day we went to the beach. The waves were small and the water was freezing. We also went to school house pond. The water was super nice. We also went to another beach, and the water was nice.


DPNC Volunteer

I volunteered at DPNC summer camp. I watched kids in second and third grade. I was originally watching even younger kids at the eagle camp, but I got moved to nature’s engineers. We went on lots of field trips. On Thursday we went to the beach. On Friday an ice cream truck showed up.


Project O Week 3

For the third week of project o we worked on our projects. We worked all day and turned them in for revisions. On Wednesday we started and finished our presentations. I finished mine about ten minutes before people started showing up. I left after my presentation so I didn’t see all of them. Thursday and Friday were an overnight trip. I didn’t sleep at all. We played capture the flag until 11 and I wasn’t tired so I stayed around the campfire till the morning.


Diana’s pool

Today we went to Diana’s pool. It is a river with lots of small waterfalls. We ate lunch and went swimming. There was a nice waterfall we used as a waterslide. We went exploring upriver and didn’t find anywere else to go swimming.



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Project O week two

I just finished my second week at Project O. This week had a lot of writing. Some days I spent almost the whole time writing. I did go out and pull crab traps though. A couple of times I got to go out and spend a bunch of time helping other teams. Occasionally we got to jump in Joe’s Hole on our way back to camp.


Project O week one

I finished my first week at project o. The first three days we went and counted hardshell and softshell clams. Then they gave us projects to work on. I got blue crabs. We went out and dropped the blue crabs out at the end of the day. The next day my team, the crab team and the lobster team went out and pulled all the traps out. We cought soem legal size lobsters and had to bring them all back. We pulled almost a hundred spider crabs in a single blue crab trap, and they are hard to get out.


I Got New Shoes

Yesterday we went shopping and i got some new shoes. I got a pair of water shoes and a pair of topsiders.


My topsiders


4 Mile Hike

Today we went on a four mile hike. Here are some pictures




Two sides of the forest


Near a beaver dam


I made food

