Dangerous mission

a Narbithya story by Will

Cave of Mysteries

Something was wrong. Three days ago, Artemis had sent out 20 scouts to check for any dark creatures. They should have been back two days ago. The winged eyeball creatures were almost impossible to catch. Could it be a new species?

His pure magic fairy, Uzi, and his pure energy fairy, Eon, both one of a kind fairies, hovered around his head. He was riding on his dragon, Skyra, a crossbreed of a black dragon and a sonic dragon. He was looking for the scouts and so far had found no trace of them.

Suddenly a realization hit him hard. It was completely quiet except for the beating of his dragon’s wings and the buzzing of his fairies’ wings. Narbithya was always noisy. Occasionally late at night the noise level would go down. But never before had he heard Narbithya completely quiet.

He looked down and saw that he was in unfamiliar territory. That was weird. He was sure he told Skyra to stop at the rock wall.

“Skyra stop” he said.

Skyra made no sign that he recognized the command.

“Skyra?” He asked.

Nothing. That was strange. Skyra normally loved to make lots of noise. Then Skyra turned her head. Her pupils had gotten a lot smaller. She was being controlled. Artemis knew what do. He took out the magical flute the fairies had given him when he destroyed the dark lord the first time. He put the flute to his lips and played a soft melody. Skyra’s eyes returned to normal.

A thumping noise started in the distance. It was such a low pitch that the only way he knew it was real was because Skyra started making a lot of racket, which he does when he hears really low of high pitch noises. Suddenly the noise stopped, and a gigantic human like creature rose out of the trees. It had to have been a mile tall. It was a gigontadon. He had heard legends about them. They said it was like a giant giant. But this was more like a gigantic giant. Maybe because this was the first batch to become grown up. Or maybe the was one of the blank sections of the maps that no one had ever explored. Or, the most likely, no had ever survived the encounter with them.

Suddenly Skyra dived downward towards a boulder. As she hit the rock she passed right through. When he hit the rock all was black for a moment.

Then the blackness ended, leaving him in a huge crystal cave.


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